Traumatic Brain Injury
Clients show improvement even after concussion, acquired brain injury due to neuro-surgery, Traumatic Brain-Injury (TBI) incurred during peacetime or in war, etc. when they have been told there is little chance of recovery from severe vision loss. The key is often a combination of filter and prism therapy with the patented prisms systems.
The patented Visual Field Awareness System (VFAS) also has been effective in treating hemianopia with stroke. Prism is cost-and time-effective. In the perfect universe same day delivery in the ICU by neurologist, hospitalist (ICU patient Manager), and neuro-optometrist or neuro-ophthalmologist.  And the patented Visual Field Expansion System (VFES) enables clients with visual neglect to learn to see again effectively.
Averted Gaze in Autism
The patented Averted Gaze Prism (AGP) is effective as a prism therapy for averted gaze for autistic individuals of all ages. this technology allows autistic individuals to hold fixation much longer and learn to read and function independently in activities of daily life. Making vision a priority is effective when someone is "Affective".